If you are tired of doing life on your own and long to be in a healthy, loving partnership, I know how you feel.
If you are confused and bemused by your single status and wondering if you'll ever find love, I know how you feel. If you feel bored or soul-dead in your career and long to feel passionate and alive again, I know how you feel. If you feel down, depressed, stressed, overwhelmed or burnt out, I know how you feel. If you are grieving because you have missed the chance to have children, feel ambivalent about parenthood or still hope to have kids but are running out of time, I know how you feel. If you are struggling to process early life wounds that impact your functioning today, leading to chronic self-sabotage and emotional pain, I know how you feel. |
I woke up on my 41st birthday in my lovely North London flat and watched my tears drop onto my pyjamas. I'd worked so hard for this - the high-flying career, the financial freedom and independence, the home of my own - so why did I feel so empty and alone? There was no partner to bring me breakfast in bed and no patter of tiny feet on the wooden floors.
Why hadn't I managed to make a relationship work? What had I been striving for all these years? |
The death of my father in my mid-30s hurtled me into a form of existential crisis. What's the point of my life? I asked on my knees. I went through burnout, breakdown and depression and, eventually, came out the other side. I let go of the masks, took off my armour, lowered my defences and asked for help. With support, I healed from self-harming behaviours including an eating disorder, binge drinking, workaholism, perfectionism and dysfunctional relationships with men who didn't value me or wouldn't commit. I went on a journey of recovery and self-discovery and I transformed myself, from the inside out. The results have been incredible. |
I believe one of my biggest achievements to date is forming and maintaining a healthy and loving partnership with my husband, Bill. I see it as a miracle given my childhood wounds and my disastrous track record on the dating scene.
I am also incredibly grateful to have healed my eating disorder and found a good level of health and wellbeing (always a work in progress!). And I am proud that I finished and published my first book and built a coaching practice in which I show up authentically and impact other people's lives. |